Jacob With The Shechemites. Now Jacob heard that Shechem had defiled (violated) Dinah his daughter; but his sons were in the field with his livestock, so Jacob said nothing until they came in. Gen 34:5



2. The History of Isaac and Jacob, Genesis 32:19 Genesis 32:35:29

62. What was the result of Jacob’s mistake in settling in Shechem?

Genesis 33:18-20


When Jacob came from Paddan-aram, he arrived safely and in peace at the city of Shechem, in the land of Canaan, and camped in front of the [walled] city.

Then he bought the piece of land on which he had pitched his tents from the sons of Hamor, Shechem’s father, for a hundred pieces of money.

There he erected an altar and called it El-Elohe-Israel.

Genesis 34:34:1-17


Now Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom she had borne to Jacob, went out [unescorted] to visit the girls of the land.

When Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince (sheik) of the land, saw her, he kidnapped her and lay [intimately] with her by force [humbling and offending her].

But his soul longed for and clung to Dinah daughter of Jacob, and he loved the girl and spoke comfortingly to her young heart’s wishes.

So Shechem said to his father Hamor, “Get me this young woman as a wife.”

Now Jacob heard that Shechem had defiled (violated) Dinah his daughter; but his sons were in the field with his livestock, so Jacob said nothing until they came in.

But Shechem’s father Hamor went to Jacob to talk with him.

Now when Jacob’s sons heard of it they came in from the field; they were deeply grieved, and they were very angry, for Shechem had done a disgraceful thing to Israel by lying with Jacob’s daughter, for such a thing is not to be done.

But Hamor conferred with them, saying, “The soul of my son Shechem [deeply] longs for your daughter [and sister]. Please give her to him as his wife.

And [beyond that] intermarry with us; give your daughters to us [as wives] and take our daughters for yourselves. [Exo_34:15-16; Deu_7:3; Jos_23:12-13]

In this way you shall live with us; the country will be open to you; live and do business in it and acquire property and possessions in it.”

Shechem also said to Dinah’s father and to her brothers, “Let me find favor in your sight, and I will give you whatever you ask of me.

Demand of me a very large bridal payment and gift [as compensation for giving up your daughter and sister], and I will give you whatever you tell me; only give me the girl to be my wife.”

Jacob’s sons answered Shechem and Hamor his father deceitfully, because Shechem had defiled and disgraced their sister Dinah.

They said to them, “We cannot do this thing and give our sister [in marriage] to one who is not circumcised, because that would be a disgrace to us.

But we will consent to you only on this condition: if you will become like us, in that every male among you consents to be circumcised,

then we will give our daughters to you [in marriage], and we will take your daughters for ourselves, and we will live with you and become one people.

But if you do not listen to us and refuse to be circumcised, then we will take our daughter [Dinah] and go.”

Genesis 33:18-20 and Genesis 34:34:1-17


Jacob was tempted by the fat pastures of Shechem, without thought or care of the character of its people, and he lived to bitterly rue his choice. How many religious parents have made the same mistake! They first encamp near the world, pitching their tent doors in that direction; then they buy a parcel of land, and finally their children contract alliances that end in shame and disaster. He who came of a pilgrim race, and to whom the whole land had been given by promise, bought real estate right against Shechem, one of the worst cities in the country. Like Lot, Jacob bid high for wealth and worldly advancement, risked the highest for the lowest, and was saved as by fire. Poor Dinah! Yet she was more sinned against than sinning. Jacob had put her in jeopardy by his selfish policy; and Leah was not blameless, for she had let her go unwarned and unaccompanied into the middle of that furnace of trial.

Comments by
Believers Bible Commentary
Genesis 33:18-20


C. Jacob (27:1–36:43)

6. Jacob and Esau Reconciled (Chaps. 32, 33)

33:18-20 Instead of traveling south to Mount Seir, Jacob went northwest. At length he arrived at Shechem and settled there, erecting an altar which he (perhaps presumptuously) called El Elohe Israel (God, the God of Israel). Twenty years earlier, when God had appeared to him at Bethel, Jacob had vowed that the Lord would be his God, that he would give a tenth of his wealth to the Lord, and that he would establish Bethel as God’s house (Gen_28:20-22). Now, instead of returning to Bethel, he settles thirty miles away in the fertile area of Shechem, probably for the sake of his livestock. (Shechem represents the world.) God does not speak directly to him until several years later, when He calls on Jacob to fulfill his vow (chap. 35). In the meantime, the tragic events of chapter 34 take place.

Genesis 34:34:1-17

7. Sins at Shechem (Chap. 34)

34:1-12 The name of God is not mentioned in this chapter. While Jacob and his family were living in Shechem, Dinah his daughter mingled socially with the heathen women, a breach of proper separation from the ungodly. On one such occasion, Shechem, the son of Hamor, sexually assaulted her, then greatly desired to marry her. Realizing that Jacob and his sons were enraged, Hamor proposed a peaceful solution: intermarriage between the Israelites and Canaanites, and full rights for the Israelites as citizens of the land. (Verse 9 can be seen as one of many Satanic attempts to pollute the godly line.) Shechem also offered to pay whatever dowry and gift was requested.

34:13-24 The sons of Jacob had no intention of giving Dinah to Shechem, but they lied that they would do so if the men of the city would be circumcised. The sacred sign of God’s covenant was to be used wickedly. In good faith, Hamor, Shechem, and all the men of their city met the condition.


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By Philippus Schutte

New Covenant Israelite! "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;  Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee."  Rom 11:17 -18