“To those who see theology as essentially the recital of the saving acts of God, Exodus 1-15 gives the supreme example, around which the rest of the biblical narrative can be assembled. To those who see the Old Testament as the product of the worshipping life of the community, at the heart of the book of Exodus lies the account of the institution of the passover, greatest and most characteristic of Israel’s festivals . . . To those who see God’s tôrâ, His law, as central to the life and thinking of later Israel, Exodus enshrines the law giving and contains the very kernel of the law in the form of the ten commandments.”

—R. Alan Cole

Comments by
Believers Bible Commentary


I. Unique Place in the Canon

Exodus (the way out in Greek) picks up the narrative of the Israelites after the death of Joseph. The foundations of the Jewish religion in the Passover are rooted in Israel’s escape from four centuries of slavery in Egypt—but only after stubborn Pharaoh has defied the God of the Hebrews and has had to suffer ten dreadful plagues on his nation, the Bible’s picture of the world.

The narrative of the Red Sea crossing, many other marvelous miracles, the giving of the law on Mount Sinai, and the detailed instructions for the tabernacle complete this wonderful book.

II. Authorship

We hold to the traditional Jewish and Christian view that The Second Book of Moses, like the rest of the Pentateuch, is actually by Moses. For a defense of this position see Introduction to the Pentateuch.

III. Date

Bible scholars have set the date of the Exodus from Egypt as early as 1580 B.C. and as late as 1230 B.C. 1Ki_6:1 says that the Exodus took place 480 years previous to Solomon’s starting to build the temple. Since this was about 960 B.C. it would place the Exodus at 1440 B.C., the more conservative date. Many scholars maintain that archaeology better supports a later date (c. 1290 B.C.) but other archaeological finds seem to fit the early date. We cannot be sure of the exact date, of course, but all things considered, the early date of 1440 for the Exodus event, and the somewhat later date for the Book of Exodus, seems best.

IV. Background and Theme

As Exodus opens we find the Israelites in Egypt where we left them at the end of Genesis. But the background has changed completely. It is over four centuries later; the once-favored Hebrews are now slaves, making bricks for Pharaoh’s vast building programs.

The themes of Exodus are redemption and the founding of the nation of Israel. For over 3,400 years Jews the world over have celebrated this event—the escape from Egypt by power and by blood, and the beginnings of the people of Israel as an actual nation—in the Passover.

The Christian Lord’s Supper, also celebrating the redemption of God’s people by power and blood, grows out of the Passover, both historically and theologically. To a certain extent, the bread and wine of the communion hark back to the same elements in the Passover ritual.

After the Exodus from Egypt, the scene changes to the wilderness, where Moses receives God’s Law for His people. Nearly half of the book concerns the tabernacle and its priesthood (chaps. 25–40). These details are not merely historical.

To really enjoy the book of Exodus, we need to look for Christ in it. Moses, the Passover lamb, the rock, and the tabernacle are only a few of the types (symbols) of the Lord Jesus, many of which are referred to elsewhere in Scripture (see, for example, 1Co 5:7; 1Co 10:4; Heb. chaps. 3-10). May the Lord do for us what He did for the two disciples on the road to Emmaus—interpret to us “in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luk 24:27).



The Nation Israel Delivered and Organized

INTRODUCTION, Exodus 1:1-7

I. ISRAEL IN EGYPT, Exodus 1:8-12:36

1. Oppression, Exodus 1:8-22

2. The Deliverer Raised up and Called, Exodus 2:1-4:31

3. The Plagues and the Passover, Exodus 5:1-12:36

II. FROM EGYPT TO SINAI, Exodus 12:37-18:27

1. The Departure, Exodus 12:37-42

2. The Laws of the Passover and of the First-Born, Exodus 12:43-13:22

3. The Passage of the Bed Sea and the Song of Deliverance, Exodus 14:1-15:19

4. Marah, Elim and the Manna, Exodus 15:20-16:36

5. Murmuring; Victory; Jethro’s Visit, Exodus 17:1-18:27

III. ISRAEL AT SINAI, Exodus 19:1-40:38

1. The Covenant Proposed and the People Prepared, Exodus 19:1-25

2. The Ten Commandments and Other Laws, Exodus 20:1-23:33

3. Ratification of the Covenant of the Law, Exodus 24:1-11

4. Moses in the Mount; Directions for the Tabernacle, Exodus 24:12-31:18

5. The Golden Calf; Penalty; Moses’ Intercession, Exodus 32:1-33:23

6. Moses Again in the Mount; the Covenant Renewed, Exodus 34:1-35

7. Construction and Erection of the Tabernacle, Exodus 35:1-40:38


The word means “going out,” and was given by the Greek translators, as in the case of Genesis.

The book embraces 145 years, and may be divided into three principal parts:

(1) The Deliverance of Israel from Egypt: Exo 1:1-22; Exo_2:1-25; Exo 3:1-22; Exo 4:1-31; Exo 5:1-23; Exo 6:1-30; Exo 7:1-25; Exo 8:1-32; Exo 9:1-35; Exo 10:1-29; Exo 11:1-10; Exo 12:1-36

(2) The Journey to Sinai: Exo 12:37-51; Exo 13:1-22; Exo 14:1-31; Exo 15:1-27; Exo 16:1-36; Exo 17:1-16; Exo 18:1-27

(3) The Manifestation of God’s Will for His People, especially in the legislation of Sinai: Exo 19:1-25; Exo 20:1-26; Exo 21:1-36; Exo 22:1-31; Exo 23:1-33; Exo 24:1-18; Exo 25:1-40; Exo 26:1-37; Exo_27:1-21; Exo 28:1-43; Exo 29:1-46; Exo 30:1-38; Exo 31:1-18; Exo 32:1-35; Exo 33:1-23; Exo 34:1-35; Exo 35:1-35; Exo 36: 1-38; Exo 37:1-29; Exo 38:1-31; Exo 39:1-43; Exo 40:1-38

Its authorship by Moses is distinctly asserted by our Lord. See Mar 2:26; Luk 20:37. The parallel between the pilgrimage of the hosts of Israel and the experiences of the soul is obvious and instructive, and we do well to read it with this parallel in mind; but the book is also of the greatest historical importance, and the increasing knowledge of Egyptian customs and of the conditions of life in the Sinaitic peninsula confirm the exactness and accuracy of the narrative. It could only have been written by one who, like Moses, had an intimate acquaintance with both Egypt and the Wilderness.

{e-Sword Note: The following material was presented at the end of Exodus in the printed edition}



(a) Into what three natural geographical sections may we divide the book?

(b) For each of these divisions mention three leading events.


(e) What does the title of the book mean and how does it apply to the contents?

(d) Mention some points of resemblance between the events of this book and the experience of the individual soul.

Exodus 1-17

Each question applies to the paragraph of corresponding number in the Comments.

1. What was the first move in the new policy to repress Israel?

2. How did the effort to destroy the children fail?

3. How did God provide a helper in Pharaoh’s own household?

4. How did Moses mistakenly begin his work before God directed him?

5. How did God summon him from the unconsumed bush?

6. What commission was he given?

7. With what three signs did God meet Moses’ first hesitation?

8. What excuses did he offer and how were they met?

9. By what acts of obedience did he begin his mission!

10. How was the request of the Israelites met by the king of Egypt?

11. To whom did Moses turn when his oppressed brethren turned against him?

12. How did God endorse His promises by His Name?

13. From what line of ancestry came the two brothers whom God was now using?

14. What occurred at Moses’ first interview with Pharaoh?

15. What was the first judgment upon Egypt and what was its effect?

16. How did the frogs come and how were they removed?

17. Describe the two plagues of insects. Why was Goshen spared?

18. What plagues next came upon cattle and upon the bodies of men? Why did Pharaoh still resist?

19. What further blow fell from heaven and with what effect?

20. What compromise did Pharaoh try to make with Moses and why was it not accepted?

21. Describe the plagues of locusts and of darkness. What effect did they have on Pharaoh?

22. What was Moses’ final warning to the king?

23. What feast did the Israelites celebrate before their departure? Why and how?

24. What instructions were given as to its annual observance?

25. How did the death of all the first-born affect Pharaoh and his subjects?

26. How long had Israel dwelled in Egypt?

27. Why did Jehovah claim the first-born?

28. How were the fleeing Israelites guided from before and how pursued from behind?

29. How were the frightened people encouraged and quieted at the Red Sea?

30. Why were the Egyptians destroyed and the Israelites saved?

31. What three great truths about God did Moses declare in his song of praise?

32. What was to be learned from the experiences at Marah and Elim?

33. How did God meet the murmurings caused by hunger?

34. What does the manna teach regarding our own spiritual food?

35. How was the memory of the manna to be preserved?

36. How was water provided for the thirsty and victory for the attacked?

Exodus 18-40

Each question applies to the paragraph of corresponding number in the Comments.

37. Of what did Moses bear witness to his father-in-law?

38. How did he benefit by Jethro’s advice?

39. How were the people prepared for their covenant with God?

40. Of what was the sacred and smoking mount an object lesson?

41. What are the two-fold duties enjoined in the “Ten Words”?

42. Why did the people fear while Moses drew near to God?

43. What was the law of the seventh year and of the seventh day? What were the three great annual feasts?

44. How were the people to possess the Promised Land, and how treat its inhabitants?

45. How was this covenant between God and Israel sealed?

46. How did God prepare Moses to receive His instructions concerning worship?

47. Describe the Ark and tell its spiritual teaching.

48. Do the same for the table and the candlestick.

49. Describe the curtains. How do they suggest Christ’s human nature?

50. Where did the veil hang? What did it typify?

51. What great truth finds expression in the brazen altar?

52. Of what is the oil an emblem?

53. What do the jewels in the breastplate suggest about our own names?

54. What was the message of the golden plate worn on the high priest’s forehead?

55. What part did water, oil and blood each take in the consecration of the priests?

56. Where was the blood placed in the consecration of the priests and why?

57. What provision was made for a continual daily offering unto God?

58. How did the altar of incense represent intercessory prayer?

59. Why was atonement money required of all? Of what does the laver remind us?

60. How were the anointing oil and the incense kept distinct and sacred? Why?

61. How were workmen found and prepared to construct the Tabernacle?

62. How did Aaron show his weakness in the making of the golden calf?

63. In what ways did Moses show his righteous anger?

64. How did Moses check the sin? and how make atonement for the sinners?

65. What substitute was proposed for the Divine Presence?

66. What did God grant in answer to Moses’ petition?

67. What did God promise in renewing the Covenant of the Law?

68. What were in Moses’ hands and what was on his face when he returned again from Sinai?

69. What offerings were needed from the people for the Tabernacle?

70. How did the people respond with their gifts?

71. To whom was the erection of the Tabernacle entrusted?

72. What made all the work of the Tabernacle so excellent?

73. When and how was the Tabernacle to be erected?

74. How did God show His approval of the completed work?


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By Philippus Schutte

New Covenant Israelite! "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;  Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee."  Rom 11:17 -18