The Sermon on the Mount: Build Your House on the Rock

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM. Our Savior was rejected in Nazareth see; Jesus Rejected at Nazareth. The Wedding at Cana. Then He;  Cleanses the Temple. We see that He; Knows What Is in Man.        … Continue reading The Sermon on the Mount: Build Your House on the Rock

The Sermon on the Mount: A Tree and Its Fruit

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM. Our Savior was rejected in Nazareth see; Jesus Rejected at Nazareth. The Wedding at Cana. Then He;  Cleanses the Temple. We see that He; Knows What Is in Man.        … Continue reading The Sermon on the Mount: A Tree and Its Fruit

The Sermon on the Mount: Do Not Be Anxious

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM. Our Savior was rejected in Nazareth see; Jesus Rejected at Nazareth.  The Wedding at Cana. Then He;  Cleanses the Temple. We see that He; Knows What Is in Man.        … Continue reading The Sermon on the Mount: Do Not Be Anxious

The Sermon on the Mount: Retaliation and Love Your Enemies.

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM. Our Savior was rejected in Nazareth see; Jesus Rejected at Nazareth.  The Wedding at Cana. Then He;  Cleanses the Temple. We see that He; Knows What Is in Man.        … Continue reading The Sermon on the Mount: Retaliation and Love Your Enemies.

The Sermon on the Mount: Lust-Divorce-Oaths.

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM. Our Savior was rejected in Nazareth see; Jesus Rejected at Nazareth.  The Wedding at Cana. Then He;  Cleanses the Temple. We see that He; Knows What Is in Man.        … Continue reading The Sermon on the Mount: Lust-Divorce-Oaths.

Back in Galilee after a year in Judea: Jesus Ministers to Great Crowds.

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM. Our Savior had lived on the earth for thirty years and had worked no miracle. There was the hiding of His power. He had been subject unto His parents… Continue reading Back in Galilee after a year in Judea: Jesus Ministers to Great Crowds.

Jesus ending His Ministry in Judea returning to Galilee through Samaria: THE REWARDS OF SERVICE.

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM.   Our Savior had lived on the earth for thirty years and had worked no miracle. There was the hiding of His power. He had been subject unto His… Continue reading Jesus ending His Ministry in Judea returning to Galilee through Samaria: THE REWARDS OF SERVICE.

Jesus ending His Ministry in Judea returning to Galilee through Samaria: Jesus and the Woman of Samaria.

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM.   Our Savior had lived on the earth for thirty years and had worked no miracle. There was the hiding of His power. He had been subject unto His… Continue reading Jesus ending His Ministry in Judea returning to Galilee through Samaria: Jesus and the Woman of Samaria.

Jesus Ministry in Judea: For God So Loved the World!

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM. Our Savior had lived on the earth for thirty years and had worked no miracle. There was the hiding of His power. He had been subject unto His parents… Continue reading Jesus Ministry in Judea: For God So Loved the World!

Jesus Ministry in Judea: You Must Be Born Again!

WE ARE STUDYING THE FOUR GOSPELS MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE AND JOHN TO KNOW THE LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. TO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIM. Our Savior had lived on the earth for thirty years and had worked no miracle. There was the hiding of His power. He had been subject unto His parents… Continue reading Jesus Ministry in Judea: You Must Be Born Again!