Galatia was a province, occupying a central position in Asia Minor. It derived its name from the Gauls (tribes of Celts), who came thither from Europe. Jews resided there in large numbers, attracted by the opportunities for trade. Paul visited this region on his third missionary journey, Act_18:23. His converts, composed of Jews and proselytes, manifested great eagerness and affection at first; but soon after the Apostle had left them, they fell an easy prey to the Judaizers, who wished to make the Mosaic ritual binding upon the Christian Church. These followed Paul’s steps and made every effort to undermine his influence.

Their object in this was twofold: – first, to convince Jewish converts that Paul’s authority was inferior to that of Peter and others who represented the more conservative element in the Church; and second, to insist upon Gentiles submitting to the rites of the ceremonial law. On receiving information of this invasion of the young church that he had founded, Paul wrote this urgent letter to the Galatians from Ephesus in A.D. 54, to vindicate his authority and to insist upon the all-sufficiency of Christ’s redeeming work.

{e-Sword Note: The following material was presented at the end of Galatians in the printed edition}


Gospel Liberty and Legal Bondage
The Folly of Reverting to Legalism
The Example of Abraham

7. What is the relation of the Law to the covenant with Abraham?

Galatians 3:11-19


For all who depend on the Law [seeking justification and salvation by obedience to the Law and the observance of rituals] are under a curse; for it is written, “CURSED (condemned to destruction) IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, SO AS TO PRACTICE THEM.” [Deu_27:26]
Now it is clear that no one is justified [that is, declared free of the guilt of sin and its penalty, and placed in right standing] before God by the Law, for “THE RIGHTEOUS (the just, the upright) SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.” [Hab_2:4]
But the Law does not rest on or require faith [it has nothing to do with faith], but [instead, the Law] says, “HE WHO PRACTICES THEM [the things prescribed by the Law] SHALL LIVE BY THEM [instead of faith].” [Lev_18:5]
Christ purchased our freedom and redeemed us from the curse of the Law and its condemnation by becoming a curse for us–for it is written, “CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO HANGS [crucified] ON A TREE (cross)”– [Deu_21:23]
in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might also come to the Gentiles, so that we would all receive [the realization of] the promise of the [Holy] Spirit through faith.


Brothers and sisters, I speak in terms of human relations: even though a last will and testament is just a human covenant, yet when it has been signed and made legally binding, no one sets it aside or adds to it [modifying it in some way].
Now the promises [in the covenants] were decreed to Abraham and to his seed. God does not say, “And to seeds (descendants, heirs),” as if [referring] to many [persons], but as to one, “And to your Seed,” who is [none other than] Christ. [Gen_13:15; Gen_17:8]
This is what I mean: the Law, which came into existence four hundred and thirty years later [after the covenant concerning the coming Messiah], does not and cannot invalidate the covenant previously established by God, so as to abolish the promise. [Exo_12:40]
For if the inheritance [of what was promised] is based on [observing] the Law [as these false teachers claim], it is no longer based on a promise; however, God granted it to Abraham [as a gift] by virtue of His promise.

Why, then, the Law [what was its purpose]? It was added [after the promise to Abraham, to reveal to people their guilt] because of transgressions [that is, to make people conscious of the sinfulness of sin], and [the Law] was ordained through angels and delivered to Israel by the hand of a mediator [Moses, the mediator between God and Israel, to be in effect] until the Seed would come to whom the promise had been made.

Comments by
Galatians 3:11-19


We are not under ceremonial law, as contained in the precepts of Leviticus. Our Savior has perfectly fulfilled them on the behalf of the Jewish people, whom He represented from His birth until His death. The law of ordinances is then abrogated on their behalf; and we Gentiles have never been placed under its thrall. As to the curse that is uttered against every one, whether Jew or Gentile, that offends against the moral code declared in the Ten Commandments at Sinai, our Savior has redeemed us from that by becoming accursed for us. There is nothing for us to do but to trust in His finished work, and to enter upon the same heritage of blessed service as was unfolded to Abraham in Gen_12:1-13.

The Mosaic dispensation was a parenthesis in God’s dealings with man. It was intended to produce conviction of sin. When God’s ideal is held up before us, we become conscious of our deformities and our sins, and are driven to Christ. Let us see to it that we are truly united to Him who is the predicted seed of Abraham; for as we stand in Him, we become heirs to all the wealth of promise which is contained in the ancient covenant, made to the father of all who believe.

By Pastor Jeff Arthur
Why The Law Cannot Save Pt 1
Why The Law Cannot Save Pt 2
Why The Law Cannot Save Pt 3
Why The Law Cannot Save Pt 4

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By Philippus Schutte

New Covenant Israelite! "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;  Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee."  Rom 11:17 -18


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