This is a history of the chosen people during the 400 or 450 years which intervened between the death of Joshua and the time of Eli, Act_13:20. It is not a connected history, but a collection of outstanding incidents, which determined the fortunes of the chosen people, and gave special illustrations of the power of faith in God. The chief lesson of the book is the intimate connection between loyalty or disloyalty to God and the corresponding results in well-being or misery. This is distinctly stated in Jdg_2:11-23.

The judges were extraordinary agents of the divine pity and helpfulness, raised up as the urgency of the people’s need demanded, to deliver Israel from their oppressors, to reform religion, and to administer justice. Their administration was generally local, as Barak among the northern tribes, Samson in the extreme south, and Jephthah across the Jordan in Gilead.

It must not be supposed that Israel perpetrated an unbroken series of apostasies. Though these and their special deliverances occupy the major part of the book, there were evidently long interspaces of fidelity and prosperity. And in the darkest hours, there were probably large numbers who, amid the abominations, sighed and cried for a better day.

There are two appendices, relating events which took place not long after Joshua’s death, and therefore preceding the greater part of the history. We may almost consider the book of Ruth as the third. The touches of human characteristics are very vivid and instinctive, and the book deserves much more attention than it receives from the ordinary reader.

Israel’s Apostasies and Deliverances

INTRODUCTION, Jdg_1:1-36; Jdg_2:1-23; Jdg_3:1-432.

RULE OF THE JUDGES, Judges 3:5-16:31

Following repeated apostasy and oppression, the Israelites were successively delivered:

3. From the King of Canaan by Deborah and Barak, Jdg_4:1-24; Jdg_5:1-31

9. How did Deborah celebrate the victory over Sisera?

Judges 5:1-11



Then Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam sang on that day, saying,

“For the leaders who took the lead in Israel, For the people who volunteered [for battle], Bless the LORD!

“Hear, O kings; listen, O rulers! I will sing to the LORD, I will sing praise to the LORD, the God of Israel.

“LORD, when You went out from Seir, When You marched from the field of Edom, The earth quaked, the heavens also dripped, Yes, the clouds dripped water.

“The mountains quaked at the presence of the LORD, Yes, this Sinai, at the presence of the LORD, the God of Israel.

“In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, In the days of Jael, the highways were deserted, And travelers went by roundabout ways.

“The villagers ceased to be; they ceased in Israel Until I, Deborah, arose, Until I arose, a mother in Israel.

“They chose new gods; Then war was in the gates. Was there a shield or spear seen Among forty thousand in Israel?

“My heart goes out to the commanders of Israel, The volunteers among the people; Bless the LORD!

“Sing of it, you who ride on white donkeys, You who sit on rich carpets, And you who walk by the way.

“At the sound of those who divide flocks among the watering places, There they shall recount the righteous acts of the LORD, The righteous acts toward His villagers in Israel. Then the people of the LORD went down to the gates.

Comments by
Judges 5:1-11

One of the noblest odes in literature! It celebrates a mighty victory through the enthusiastic consecration of the people, who laid themselves as freewill offerings on the altar of their country’s deliverance, Jdg_5:2; Jdg_5:9. There is a greater cause that summons us today, for we fight “not against flesh and blood, but… against the rulers of the darkness of this world,” Eph_6:12.

The singer recites the mighty deeds of the Exodus, Jdg_5:4-5. She feels that the present hour is not less full of God. Let us dare to believe that today is as sublime as any day of the past, and live as though it were. She describes the desolations caused by the foe: the divested caravans, the deserted roads, the defenseless, weaponless people, Jdg_5:6-8. She tells how men mustered in the city gates to take their part in the great effort to which she called them, Jdg_5:9-11. Ye daughters of Deborah, who know God, wake again and sing till your hearts grow hot again; and ye brethren of Barak, arm yourselves for battle against the lies, fashions and sins that curse both the Church and the world!



We give thanks and acknowledgement to Rick Meyers from e-Sword.
P.O. Box 1626
Franklin, TN 37065
United States of America


By Philippus Schutte

New Covenant Israelite! "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;  Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee."  Rom 11:17 -18