The veil and the screen. “You shall make a veil [to divide the two rooms] of blue, purple, and scarlet fabric and fine twisted linen, skillfully worked with cherubim on it. Exo 26:31 



The Nation Israel Delivered and Organized
III. ISRAEL AT SINAI, Exodus 19:1-40:38
4. Moses in the Mount; Directions for the Tabernacle, Exodus 24:12-31:18

50. Where did the veil hang? What did it typify?

Exodus 26:26-37


“Then you shall make [fifteen] bars of acacia wood: five for the boards of one side of the tabernacle,

and five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the rear end of the tabernacle, for the back wall toward the west.

And the middle bar in the center of the boards shall pass through [horizontally] from end to end.

You shall overlay the boards with gold and make their rings of gold to hold the bars. You shall overlay the bars with gold.

You shall erect the tabernacle according to its plan [the direction corresponding to its meaning and purpose] which has been shown to you on the mountain.

“You shall make a veil [to divide the two rooms] of blue, purple, and scarlet fabric and fine twisted linen, skillfully worked with cherubim on it.

You shall hang it on four pillars (support poles) of acacia wood overlaid with gold, with gold hooks, on four silver sockets.

You shall hang the veil from the hooks [that connect the curtains together], and you shall bring the ark of the Testimony there within the veil. The veil shall separate for you the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies.

You shall put the mercy seat on the ark of the Testimony in the Holy of Holies.

You shall set the table [for the bread] outside the veil [in the Holy Place] on the north side, and the lampstand opposite the table on the south side of the tabernacle.

“You shall make a screen [to provide a covering] for the doorway of the tent of blue, purple, and scarlet fabric and finely woven [embroidered] linen, the work of an embroiderer. [Joh_10:9]

You shall make five pillars (support poles) of acacia wood to support the hanging curtain and overlay them with gold. Their hooks shall be of gold, and you shall cast five [base] sockets of bronze for them.

Comments by
Exodus 26:26-37


The boards that made the sides and back of the Tabernacle were of wood covered with gold, and set in sockets of silver. They were knit together by the five long bars that passed through the rings, parallel with the ground. The veil typified the separation between man and God, the awful barrier that sin has caused, which shuts out from the enjoyment of God all save those who can enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus. Men had impressed on them their unworthiness to approach God. The cherubic forms woven on the veil reminded them of Gen_3:24. They were led to anticipate the hour when a new and living way would be opened.

The division of the Tabernacle suggests two degrees of nearness to God, or two stages in Christian living. You may know the great brazen altar which is Calvary; and the showbread table and candlestick; but there is something beyond these for those who have learned the meaning of the rent veil and the Cross! See Mat_27:51; Gal_2:20.


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By Philippus Schutte

New Covenant Israelite! "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;  Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee."  Rom 11:17 -18